
domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013









imagenes del juego sonic.exe by sharon the hedgehog

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

An Interview With Ian Flynn

 Watch the interview

Sonic the Hedgehog 2014 Calendar Images Pop Up on Amazon



Well good news! Pyramid International announced earlier this month that they were making a Sonic Calendar. The announcement only included a cover image and no examples of what artwork would be inside.

But thanks to an updated listing from Amazon, we now have an image of the reverse side of the calendar, which happens to show every image contained within it. As many predicted, it’s stock art. Although saying that, it’s not by any means a bad thing. Some of the images look pretty cool and dare I say slightly artistic? I really like the one of Sonic looking at the wall of rings.

De Sonic Lost World tiene cierto ... interesante diálogo...

No hace mucho tiempo, un número de personas señaló cómo Sonic perdido Mundial había dado una clasificación de edad superior a los títulos anteriores, que parecía un poco confuso dado lo de los videos muestra muestra un juego de Sonic muy caricaturesco. Incluso las secuencias CG en los trailers dan la impresión de un dibujo animado harmles.

  De acuerdo con las notas de la clasificación de la ESRB, el juego cuenta con unas pocas líneas de diálogo cuestionable.


"Resumen de Evaluación: En este juego de plataformas de acción, los jugadores controlan a Sonic the Hedgehog en su intento de detener los planes de un malvado villano. Mientras los jugadores zoom a través de paisajes fantásticos, recogen elementos (por ejemplo, anillos de oro y power-ups), evitar peligros, y utilizar ataques vuelta para derrotar a los enemigos robóticos, y los enemigos se rompen en medio de explosiones de colores. Durante el juego, los personajes a veces utilizan un lenguaje agresivo (por ejemplo, "¿Vas a casa en una caja", "voy a despellejar vivo" y "Anhelo frío abrazo de la muerte. '). Cutscenes también representan fuego y explosiones de láser, así como el diálogo que hace referencia a la violencia (por ejemplo, "Voy a engordar por comer sus corazones negros", "Un segundo estás pensando genocidio" y "Mientras aún puedo estrangular un Zeti, mis manos están bien. ")."

Eh ... eso es un poco oscuro. ¿Qué piensan ustedes? algunas de ellas pueden llegar facilmente fuera como joky y alegre luz ...

Sonic Lost World Has Some… Interesting Dialogue...


Not too long ago, a number of people pointed out how Sonic Lost World had been given a higher age rating than previous titles, which seemed a little confusing given how all footage shown shows a very cartoony Sonic game. Even the CG sequences in the trailers give the impression of a harmles cartoon.

 According to the notes in the ESRB rating, the game has a few lines of questionable dialogue.

“Rating Summary: In this action platformer, players control Sonic the Hedgehog as he attempts to stop an evil villain’s plans. As players zoom through fantastical landscapes, they collect items (e.g., gold rings and power-ups), avoid hazards, and use spin attacks to defeat robotic enemies; enemies break apart amid colorful explosions. During gameplay, characters sometimes use aggressive language (e.g., “You’re going home in a box,” ‘I’m going to skin you alive,’ and ‘I long for death’s cold embrace.’). Cutscenes also depict laser fire and explosions, as well as dialogue that references violence (e.g., “I’ll get fat from eating your black hearts,” “One second you’re contemplating genocide,” and “As long as I can still strangle a Zeti, my hands are fine.”).”

Erm… thats a tad dark. What do you guys think? some of it can easilly come off as being joky and light hearted…

imágenes de sonic

viernes, 19 de julio de 2013

game Sonic Dash

The first ever Sonic Dash global challenge is now live! Be part of the action and you can unlock Shadow the Hedgehog for free!

Nintendo Direct Mini Presentation - 18.07.2013

SEGA 3D Classics Confirmed for Western Release

SEGA 3D Classics Confirmed for Western Release

It seems that Sonic the Hedgehog is finally coming to the Nintendo 3DS eShop… but this time, he’s not alone: he’s got some friends along!

Through a recent Nintendo Direct Mini, Nintendo of Europe President Satoru Shibata has recently confirmed that the SEGA 3D Classic series will be coming ’round the European eShops soon, with the SEGA Blog confirming North American releases as well. Added features with the Genesis rereleases include 3D depth, a staple for Nintendo’s appropriately named handheld, and toggling sound formats if 3D Sonic the Hedgehog is of any indication.

Though no official release dates have been given yet, the following games, announced from 5:15 onward, are set to roll out in the near future!
  • 3D Altered Beast
  • 3D Ecco the Dolphin
  • 3D Galaxy Force II
  • 3D Shinobi III
  • 3D Sonic the Hedgehog
  • 3D Space Harrier
  • 3D Streets of Rage
  • 3D Super Hang-On

Plan on downloading these babies once they reach their street dates? Giving a whirl on Mega Drive titles you never got the chance to play before? Picking up a bigger SD card for your 3DS as a precaution? Taking up extra shifts for extra money? Finding the com—you get the idea.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2013 Product Catalogue


About 2 months ago, there was a Sonic product event over at Mercedes Benz world, at this event, a single photograph showed what appeared to be a Sonic product guide. Naturally fans of sonic merchandise were curious as to what it contained. But the guide didn’t ever resurface. Last week, another photograph of the guide was spotted, this time at a second event, the interesting thing about this picture was that you could just make out some products which hadn’t yet been announced. By now, Sonic merchandise fans
Well… We’ve got one. Thanks to the friends of now have a copy of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2013 product catalogue.

Keep in mind, it only shows products that will be released in the UK this year. So you won’t find the huge range of Jazwares toys that the United Stages gets, nor will you see any Japanese products. Furthermore, due to items which you can buy/pre-order here in the UK, this guide is not the full range of products. The guide does however contain some new items and awesome looking items.

Here are a few highlights.
product catalogue 1

product catalogue 3
product catalogue 7

product catalogue 6

product catalogue 9

product catalogue 8

jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Sonic Lost World Hits Europe October 18th

 SEGA Europe has revealed via a localized version of yesterday’s trailer and their website that Sonic Lost World will launch in Europe October 18th. That’s four days before the game’s US launch.

Casino Night Zone inspirado para Sonic Lost World

Al parecer, de estas capturas de pantalla que un Casino Night Zone inspirado va a ser en Sonic Lost World. Las pantallas fueron publicadas por Gatestormer miembro SSMB en el tablón de anuncios del estadio de Sonic hace poco y parecen mostrar una nueva zona sin previo aviso para Sonic Lost World. Ningún nombre ha sido dado todavía, sin embargo, los aficionados a largo plazo se reconocen al instante lo que parece. La zona parece prestado heavilly del Sonic 2 etapa Casino Night, con la sección de pinball e incluso Casino badniks noche.





Casino Night Inspired Zone for Sonic Lost World

It would appear from these screenshots that a Casino Night inspired Zone is going to be in Sonic Lost World. The screens were posted by SSMB member Gatestormer on The Sonic Stadium Message Board a short while ago and appear to show a new unannounced zone for Sonic Lost World. No name has been given yet, however long term fans will instantly recognise what it looks like. The Zone appears to borrow heavilly from the Sonic 2 stage Casino Night, with the pinball section and even Casino Night badniks.





imágenes de sonic Wow that cool :D

imágenes de sonic

imágenes de sonic

imágenes de sonic

imágenes de sonic

Sonic Lost World™ -- Colour Powers (español)

¿ Que opinan del trailer en audio español ? :D

información sobre el juego "sonic lost world" y el lanzamiento de accesorios kits de sega

Junto con el anuncio de la fecha de lanzamiento japonesa de Sonic Lost World prevista para el 24 de octubre Sega también reveló dos planeaban lanzar kits de accesorios japoneses.

El primer kit se vende ¥ 2,980 (23 €) e incluye una cubierta protectora para la 3DS XL, una bolsa de almacenamiento de pequeño y también un CD de la banda "Sonic Lost World". El segundo kit se anuncia a ¥ 2,480 (19 €). Contiene dos tomas de auriculares especiales "zapatos de Sonic" + " Tails Tails". En resumen, los futuros objetos de colección para los fans del erizo.

(Sonic Lost World - NUEVA ETAPA - Casino Noche temática)